In the Service of Others

  CAST Med High School is Preparing Students to Help Meet the Future Needs of Medical Professionals in San Antonio By: Dr. Eddie Muzquiz Rodriguez, Principal, CAST Med High School Hello.  I am Dr. Eddie Muzquiz Rodriguez, Principal of CAST Med High School.  CAST Med is located at Brooks, in the southeastern part of San… Continue reading In the Service of Others

Art As A Revolutionary Act – Session 2 Wearable Art

Wearable Art Join SAY Sí ABC Instructors, Chabriely Rivera and Cassidy Fritts, in our second session of Art as a Revolutionary Act where we’ll be diving deeper into talking about how art can be a vehicle for personal expression and revolutionary change. In our first session we were introduced to the medium of Spoken Word… Continue reading Art As A Revolutionary Act – Session 2 Wearable Art

CAST LIVE: COPING with COVID-19, Mental Health During a Pandemic with Dr. Margaret R. Mauzé

The uncertainty created by COVID-19 continues to impact the everyday lives of families across our community, including our young learners. Dr. Margaret R. Mauzé joined us for CAST LIVE and shared her insights on how to identify the impact of the pandemic in our daily lives and to define ways to cope with stress, change,… Continue reading CAST LIVE: COPING with COVID-19, Mental Health During a Pandemic with Dr. Margaret R. Mauzé

Convos with Meghan and Zach – Session 3

A dialogue on race & equity. New Date, Friday, July 10th at 12:30 pm Hosted by Advanced Learning Academy Educators Meghan Harrington and Zach Wilson Click to Register and join the conversation. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 854 1022 9782/Password: 1m7uLp

Convos with Meghan and Zach – Sesion 2

A dialogue on race & equity. Sunday, July 5th at 2 pm Hosted by Advanced Learning Academy Educators Meghan Harrington and Zach Wilson Click to Register and join the conversation. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 854 1022 9782/Password: 1m7uLp

Sessions in Art As A Revolutionary Act

  Art has the Power to Drive Change Art is a tool that people can use to influence, to drive change, and create motivation to do something bigger than themselves. Art, in itself, is a record of current events and is a transformative tool that expresses the realities of today. As part of CAST’s Taking… Continue reading Sessions in Art As A Revolutionary Act

CAST Summer Studio Presents: “I”

Lights, CAMERA, ACTION! One commitment of all CAST Schools is to provide a summer bridge program, to give incoming 9th grade students a chance to get to know each other and build connections prior to the start of the school year. Although we were unable to offer in-person summer programming at our individual campuses this… Continue reading CAST Summer Studio Presents: “I”

CAST Summer Studio Presents: “I”

CAST Summer Studio Presents: “I” A collaborative discovery of self-identity through art, theatre and technology. Please join us! Friday, July 3rd, 2020 Doors Open: 10:45 a.m. Performance Begins: 11 am Click here to see it live on Facebook. In partnership with:  

CAST LIVE: David Robinson, Jr.

Thursday, July 16, 2020 12 pm – 1 pm Guest Speaker: David Robinson, Jr. The Digital Divide in San Antonio Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 983 9320 2216 Password: 590364 One tap mobile +13462487799,,98393202216# US (Houston)

Southwest ISD Welcomes new CAST STEM Principal

Ravae Villafranca Schaeffer - CAST STEM Prinicipal

Southwest ISD welcomes new CAST STEM Principal San Antonio, TX – On Tuesday, June 16, 2020 Southwest ISD (SWISD) officially announced Ravae Villafranca Shaeffer as the new principal for the District’s CAST STEM High School. Through a rigorous selection process, SWISD maintained its commitment to students, parents, and staff by seeking input through an open-ended… Continue reading Southwest ISD Welcomes new CAST STEM Principal