How Interdisciplinary PBL Can Solve This Year’s Scheduling Dilemmas

By Ryan Sprott, July 28, 2020 Schools around the world are now facing pressing questions, such as: ●    How can we deliver quality instruction while some students work from home and some are at school? ●    How will students collaborate meaningfully when following social distancing protocols? ●    How can we seamlessly shift back and forth… Continue reading How Interdisciplinary PBL Can Solve This Year’s Scheduling Dilemmas

CAST Tech building an Esports future

This is my conversation with Fernando on what is happening with CAST Tech and the San Antonio Esports scene, what CAST Tech Gaming is, how it started, how you can support and join. Fernando and I are both CAST Tech seniors in the UX pathway. Jonathan: What brought you to CAST Tech? Fernando: “I actually… Continue reading CAST Tech building an Esports future

CAST LIVE: A Discussion on the Digital Divide in San Antonio with David Robinson, Jr.

David Robinson Jr. joined students, educators and parents for CAST LIVE and led a discussion on the digital divide in San Antonio. As learning moved virtually to help slow the spread of COVID-19, many students lacked the necessary broadband services to access online learning tools and lessons. Students from low income households or rural areas… Continue reading CAST LIVE: A Discussion on the Digital Divide in San Antonio with David Robinson, Jr.

CAST Med Students Share Their Experiences as Interns at the SAVE Clinic

CAST schools are committed to providing all students with real-world, hands-on experiences and an internship during their high school years. Dr. Ydania Pezzat, Partnership Coordinator for the high school, visited with the intern team to learn more about their experiences at the SAVE Clinic.                   CAST Med… Continue reading CAST Med Students Share Their Experiences as Interns at the SAVE Clinic

Art As A Revolutionary Act – Session 4

Next session will be Tuesday, July 28th 3:00-4:30PM Join SAY Sí ABC Instructors, Chabriely Rivera and Cassidy Fritts, for the final session of Art as a Revolutionary Act where we’ll be diving deeper into talking about how art can be a vehicle for personal expression and revolutionary change. In our first session we were introduced… Continue reading Art As A Revolutionary Act – Session 4

Art As A Revolutionary Act – Session 3

Next session will be Tuesday, July 21st 3:00-4:30PM! Join SAY Sí ABC Instructors, Chabriely Rivera and Cassidy Fritts, in our third session of Art as a Revolutionary Act where we’ll be diving deeper into talking about how art can be a vehicle for personal expression and revolutionary change. In our first session we were introduced… Continue reading Art As A Revolutionary Act – Session 3

Convos with Meghan and Zach – Session 4

A dialogue on race & equity. Wednesday, July 29th at 12:30 pm Hosted by Advanced Learning Academy Educators Meghan Harrington and Zach Wilson Click to Register and join the conversation. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 854 1022 9782/Password: 1m7uLp

CAST LIVE: My Internship Experience

Thursday, July 30, 2020 12 pm – 1 pm My Internship Experience Panel discussion featuring CAST Student, Educators and Partners   Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 914 1909 2521 Password: 146199 One tap mobile +13462487799,,91419092521# US (Houston) +16699006833,,91419092521# US (San Jose)

Fresh Ink Youth Poetry – Write Art Out, Inc.

Students, join Write Art Out for a creative writing workshop this Sunday, July 19th at 2pm. Youth writers will get to explore their voice, be creative and learn from local writers about their craft. Use the google form to sign up to receive the Zoom link for the writing workshop. This workshop is for… Continue reading Fresh Ink Youth Poetry – Write Art Out, Inc.

CAST Lead Virtual Open House

Learn more about how CAST Lead is a unique choice for your 9th grader this fall. Tuesday July 21st, Via ZOOM. Choose between two times: noon or 5 pm. Click here to register for the CAST Lead Virtual Open House Zoom details for NOON event: Meeting ID: 846 9478 6441 Password: CASTLEAD One tap… Continue reading CAST Lead Virtual Open House