A Message from Dr. Wendy Fuller, Principal
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Hello, I’m Dr. Wendy Fuller, Principal at CAST Lead High School. The Centers for Applied Science & Technology, or CAST, partners with local school districts, such as East Central, to create a school that offers students a unique educational experience that sets them up for their futures.
Opening CAST Lead is important to me because I graduated from EC in 1993. Being one of triplets, my brothers and I began our education in kinder at John Glenn Elementary, which is now the future home of CAST Lead High School.

When I walk the halls of John Glenn, it feels like coming home to family- a supportive and caring family that always wants what’s best. My hope is that I can pass on those family values to future students because of my personal experiences.
CAST Lead is Committed to Creating Leaders
Over the course of the 2019-2020 academic school year, I have had the pleasure of developing the newest CAST School in the CAST Network, named CAST Lead to emphasize its commitment to creating leaders.
CAST Lead is a tuition-free, career-themed, public high school located in East Central ISD, opening in August 2020. Students chose a course pathway based on their interests and are given the opportunity to learn through project-based learning, internships, job shadowing, mentoring opportunities, and more, all while earning up to two years of college credit.
CAST Lead’s unique instructional design will directly impact students through engaging and innovative lessons, recognizing individual student talents and interests while preparing them for leadership positions in retail, hospitality and tourism, and e-commerce. Focusing on student strengths and facilitating appropriate mentorships with industry partners, we can prepare students for the future, creating well-rounded service leaders.
Co-Creating with Industry, Higher Education and District Leaders
Monthly advisory and design meetings with industry partners, higher education partners and district stakeholders are at the heart of our school design. This collection of professionals share their passion for their industry and desire to invest in qualified, dedicated individuals they can hire. CAST Lead’s Advisory Board developed a 4-year degree plan and four project-based learning opportunities, focused on specific skills and critical areas in the service industry: customer service, servant leadership, feedback, and decision-making skills. With such a specialized instructional approach connected to meaningful student experiences and appropriate certifications, our students are positioned to be a critical link to industry in this time of rebuilding.
We are CAST Lead. We are EC.
As CAST Lead Principal, I believe purposeful education, meaningful relationships and enhanced learning experiences will provide our student leaders with the practical and applicable knowledge necessary in life.
We’re so honored to be part of the East Central Family and we can’t wait to welcome you! So, if you’re currently in 8th grade and have big dreams for your future, if you’re goal oriented and eager for a challenge, or, if you are curious and driven to learn, then CAST Lead is right for you!
For more information, or to apply, visit ecisd.net or castschools.com.
Dr. Wendy Fuller, Principal, CAST Lead High School
Having worked in several roles in education as a pre-K teacher, school counselor, mentor, principal and adjunct college professor, Wendy Fuller is excited for her next role as CAST Lead Principal. Opening in August 2020, the East Central ISD school will connect students to leadership and management positions in some of the fastest-growing industries in the city — retail, hospitality and tourism, and e-commerce. A product of the East Central Independent School District, Wendy learned her colors and the alphabet at the same campus that will be renovated for the college and career-focused high school. “It’s exciting that it’s my home district,” she said recently. Over the next year, she’ll work with industry and community partners to create course pathways, plot out learning experiences outside of the classroom, and identify potential mentoring and internship opportunities for her future students. “Every milestone that I’ve accomplished is because someone I admired believed in me,” she said. She’ll create the same support system for her students. Wendy has a Doctoral degree in Education from Capella University, a Master’s Degree in counseling from the same university, and a Bachelor’s Degree from UTSA in Education.
More About CAST Lead High School
CAST Lead is open to all students on a lottery basis within Bexar and surrounding counties. The high school is tuition-free and offers students a chance to learn through project-based learning, mentorships and internships, as well as earn up to 2 years of college credit, and-or industry certifications.