CAST Schools » CAST Insights » How CAST Tech is Looking to Leave a Legacy
How CAST Tech is Looking to Leave a Legacy



Cooler days are finally here, welcoming autumn, a time of transition, and a San Antonio season that, if you blink, you may miss it!

This week, seniors at CAST Tech High School shared their Legacy projects for feedback from community leaders – thanks to all of you who came and listened with your whole hearts! This project speaks to me because of the way teachers and leaders make themselves open and vulnerable to student voice.

In this project, seniors at CAST Tech propose ways to make the school stronger. It says so much about the school leadership and its teachers that they welcome this feedback, and so many previous CAST Tech Legacy projects have become a lasting part of the school. For example, that’s how we got the Boardroom, a leadership group for young women.

I’m especially proud and moved this year because the Legacy projects are happening during a time when we are preparing to interview candidates to become the next Principal of this school, replacing founding Principal Dr. Melissa Alcala, who opened the school in 2017.

This work reminds me how strong the foundation of this school is, but also how students, teachers and the community continue to collaborate to co-create and make the school better even as we go through an important transition.

Finally, I am excited to see several of our other campuses embarking on Legacy projects of their own, which is the power of a small network of innovative schools. This year, seniors at CAST Med High School in San Antonio, CAST STEM High School in Southwest ISD and CAST Lead High School in East Central ISD are all developing their own version of Legacy projects. There will be more opportunities to engage with this great work and we’ll keep you posted!

Jeanne Russell

Executive Director

CAST Schools


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