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Made in SA – CAST STEM High School


For seniors at CAST STEM, this school year has had plenty of surprises. When the school announced earlier last year that the entire student body would be relocating to Palo Alto College, many students were afraid of the incoming change, but not the seniors. Now about to graduate, seniors Victor, Adrien, Ashley, and Einalei opened up on their experience during this eventful year, and reflected on their time at CAST STEM as a whole.


Before opening up about their final year at high school, the seniors reflected on their life before CAST. For Adrien, he was quick to say how he was a lot more shy before attending CAST STEM. For Victor he feels that, thanks to CAST STEM, he now has a set path for what he truly wants to do. He emphasized the importance of making connections with teachers and other students, and how these relationships helped influence his plans after high school. Einalei was honest when she shared that she was incredibly shy before CAST STEM, but thanks to the school she feels she has more opportunities to express herself and meet new people. Ashley agreed with this, and commented how she is a lot more understanding of her future now.


One thing the seniors immediately agreed upon, however, were the one-of-a-kind opportunities they had while at CAST TEM. Although senior year can be stressful, Victor says that it was still worth it. This past year, Victor worked as a Data Analytics Intern for the CAST Network, where he helped gather data from across CAST’s 6 different schools. Enalei also worked with CAST as a PBL Intern where she worked closely with Dr. Carol Harle, CAST Schools’ Education Coach. And Ashley recently finished an internship with Toyota where she focused on robotic programming and vehicle manufacturing.


When he graduates, Victor plans on working with Cox Manufacturing while studying Mechanical Engineering at UTSA. Adrien plans to attend Texas A&M University at San Antonio, where he will study Cybersecurity. Ashley is on track to study Engineering with a minor in Finance at UTSA, as she intends to work again with Toyota. And Einalei will pursue Veterinary Studies at Palo Alto College, as she plans to be a veterinarian after she graduates. Each of these seniors have great plans for life after high school, and thanks to CAST STEM, they are able to pursue their dreams with real-world experiences and opportunities on their resumes.


About CAST STEM High School

CAST STEM High School is San Antonio’s #1 engineering school on the south side. The public high school, created in partnership with Southwest ISD, CAST Schools, and Palo Alto College, serves approximately 200 9th through 12th-grade students from across the greater San Antonio region and emphasizes preparing students for high-demand, high-wage jobs in engineering, advanced manufacturing, and global logistics. Co-located at Palo Alto College, CAST STEM integrates both college and career readiness while allowing students to pursue customized opportunities based on their interests.


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The Centers for Applied Science and Technology (CAST) Network is a tax-exempt organization as described in Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service code. CAST Schools are partnership schools with a focus on STEM careers, project based learning and work-based learning. Key partners include public school districts, higher education institutions, and local employers from target industries.