CAST Schools » CAST Schools » Advanced Learning Academy » CAST Schools Performs Three Years of Fear at Patterson Performing Arts Center
CAST Schools Performs Three Years of Fear at Patterson Performing Arts Center


This week, CAST students performed ‘Three Years of Fear’, based on the book ‘Tafolla Toro’ by Lorenzo Gomez III. The play, put on and performed entirely by CAST students , recalls Lorenzo’s three years of middle school at Tafolla Midde School, and how it was important for him to reach out and ask for help when he needed it.


From Thursday-Friday, students from CAST Tech and the Advanced Learning Academy performed Three Years of Fear for VIPs, CAST students, and East Central High School students. Each performance ended with members of the cast & crew reading letters to their younger selves, and a Q&A with Lorenzo Gomez.


CAST Schools have performed Three Years of Fear for several years now. Three Years of Fear is a catalyst for crucial conversations about mental health, school transitions, and teen well-being. By delivering high-quality, interactive theater that reflects the diverse experiences of our urban, multicultural community, Three Years of Fear aims to inspire, educate, and foster empathy among audiences, paving the way for a more understanding and supportive future.


About CAST Schools

In one of the fastest-growing U.S. economies and one of the most racially and economically segregated cities, The Centers for Applied Sciences and Technology | CAST Schools is showing the power of investing in San Antonio’s young people. As a network of tuition-free, five career-themed high schools, one middle school, and one Pre-K to 12 Academy, CAST is dedicated to closing the gap on income inequality and nurturing San Antonio’s homegrown talent.


About Lorenzo Gomez III

Lorenzo Gomez III is an American author, public speaker, entrepreneur, and former CEO of Geekdom Media. Gomez’s previous roles include CEO of San Antonio’s co-working space Geekdom, and co-founder of Tech Bloc, a San Antonio based tech initiative. Gomez is also the author of the Cilantro Diaries: Business Lessons from the Most Unlikely Places, and Tafolla Toro: Three Years of Fear.


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The Centers for Applied Science and Technology (CAST) Network is a tax-exempt organization as described in Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service code. CAST Schools are partnership schools with a focus on STEM careers, project based learning and work-based learning. Key partners include public school districts, higher education institutions, and local employers from target industries.