CAST Schools » CAST Schools » CAST Lead » CAST LIVE connected with Mike Georgoff, Chief Product Officer, H-E-B Digital
CAST LIVE connected with Mike Georgoff, Chief Product Officer, H-E-B Digital



Embracing Realities to Achieve Positive Outcomes

H-E-B Embodies True Leadership

The spread of the coronavirus has pushed us all to rethink and reinvent how we approach everyday tasks. This includes how we shop for our essentials. Mike Georgoff, Chief Product Officer at H-E-B Digital, shared how H-E-B, and how he personally, has dealt with the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. From the start, H-E-B and its Partners have been a calm and steady force. They have provided guidance in a time of confusion and implemented multiple solutions that enable social distancing practices while we shop. On top of that, they have reminded us of our shared responsibility to care for each other as fellow Texans.

Mike Georgoff
Mike Georgoff, Chief Product Officer, H-E-B Digital


“What I’ve always been passionate about, regardless of where I’ve been working, is working on things and with companies and with people who have a real impact on folks’ day-to-day lives, and H-E-B does that better than anyone else. I think we’ve been able to demonstrate some of that impact and passion for the community and doing what’s right for Texans during the current crisis.”
– Mike Georgoff



Designing the ecommerce Pathway for CAST Lead Students

At H-E-B Digital, Mike leads digital product strategy, design, and management.  His team’s mission is to weave digital deep into the fabric of H-E-B, for both the customer and Partner experience. Mike is also a member of CAST Lead’s Industry Advisory Board responsible for designing programs and developing project-based learning experiences for students. Leveraging his expertise, he has partnered with Principal Dr. Wendy Fuller, to design the ecommerce pathway for students that will be available at CAST Lead High School when it opens this August.

Wendy Fuller, Principal
Dr. Wendy Fuller, Principal, CAST Lead


“We’ve had the pleasure of working with Mike over the past year in CAST Lead’s design. He played a very critical role in our e-commerce development pathway.” – Dr. Wendy Fuller





CAST is constantly striving to reinvent schooling in order to maximize learning opportunities for their young learners. In this time when schools are physically closed for the remainder of the school year, the CAST promise of providing each student with authentic learning experiences continues. Through CAST LIVE we are providing connectedness in a time of social distancing, enriching the community in a time of ambiguity. CAST LIVE is a platform to share stories of hope and resilience. Despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, we at CAST are confident that our students will be fully prepared to lead the way.

About CAST Lead



CAST Lead is the newest career-themed high school that will prepare students for leadership positions in the growing retail, hospitality and tourism, and ecommerce industries. These industries represent some of the fastest-growing and most dynamic in our city. CAST Lead offers students an opportunity to align their passion with industry and higher education leaders committed to their success.

Students enrolled in CAST Lead will follow one of three pathways:

  • Retail – Students will explore the world of retail management through a variety of components including product development and packaging engineering
  • Hospitality and Tourism – Encompasses sectors such as Food and Beverage and Recreation
  • ecommerce – Students will explore marketing trends, study UI, UX, and security,
  • and investigate the development of web and mobile applications

CAST Lead is open to all students on a lottery basis, within Bexar and surrounding counties, be tuition-free and offers students a chance to learn through project-based learning, mentorships and internships, as well as earn up to 2 years of college credit, and-or industry certifications.


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200 E. Basse Rd.,
San Antonio, TX 78209

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501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Number: 82-5253554

The Centers for Applied Science and Technology (CAST) Network is a tax-exempt organization as described in Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service code. CAST Schools are partnership schools with a focus on STEM careers, project based learning and work-based learning. Key partners include public school districts, higher education institutions, and local employers from target industries.