CAST Schools » CAST Schools » CAST STEM » What to Expect with CAST STEM’s New Campus
What to Expect with CAST STEM’s New Campus


The highlight of my week was spending some time Monday, and Tuesday morning at CAST STEM High School at Palo Alto College. Yes, you read that right: Palo Alto College!


The teachers literally worked miracles Monday Jan. 8 unpacking and setting up the campus to greet students who were coming to our Southside community college, many for the first time.


When CAST STEM first opened, we had a vision for co-location with PAC, and now, five years later, we are so excited to see that vision realized.


Teachers, leaders, and parents found themselves sometimes scrambling to adjust to unexpected challenges, like any transition. Change is hard.


And yet, everywhere I went, I observed big smiles, and a sense of wonder, as students explored this beautiful campus. College students will not return to school until next week, so CAST STEM students had a chance to get to know the space on their own.


In San Antonio, we have other examples of co-location with colleges, mostly early college high schools, where students simultaneously complete a high school and an associate’s degree.


CAST STEM is different in that students CAN complete an associate’s degree while in high school, but they have other options including earning certifications. CAST Schools, in partnership with Palo Alto College and Southwest ISD, is creating a new model that is more customized for the students, and we are so excited to see every one of our students succeed according to their personal life plan. Come visit us at our new home!


Jeanne Russell

Executive Director

CAST Schools


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The Centers for Applied Science and Technology (CAST) Network is a tax-exempt organization as described in Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service code. CAST Schools are partnership schools with a focus on STEM careers, project based learning and work-based learning. Key partners include public school districts, higher education institutions, and local employers from target industries.