CAST Schools » CAST Schools » Newsletter » The Importance of Apprenticeships for CAST Students
The Importance of Apprenticeships for CAST Students


A core belief at CAST is that college and careers are not separate, but part of a purpose-filled journey where a student explores what he or she likes to learn while also trying on different jobs for size.


An apprenticeship is an old idea that has recently gained new attention as a way for young people – and adults – to learn while they earn.


Because we know that some students go straight to work because they have financial or other concerns, at CAST we see apprenticeships as a path where students can ensure they will continue to train and learn, while also earning a salary.


Apprenticeships also offer guaranteed wage increases as training is completed.


At CAST, we are committed to “walking the walk.” and doing what we ask our employer partners to do. We have been hiring high school interns since we opened our nonprofit doors, and we have some incredible success stories. (One of our very first interns, Jonathan Rodriguez, will intern at Adobe in New York this summer.) We now also hire our college alum as interns, and starting this year, with financial support from the national Catalyze challenge and our local partner, The 80\20 Foundation, we plan to hire 2 seniors who plan to go straight to work as one-year apprentices for CAST in the areas of data science and project management. You can see the listing for each apprenticeship here and here. We’re so grateful to the support of visionaries who believe in young people, and to the city of San Antonio’s Ready to Work team for their partnership.

Jeanne Russell

Executive Director

CAST Schools


Copyright © 2024 CAST Schools

200 E. Basse Rd.,
San Antonio, TX 78209

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501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Number: 82-5253554

The Centers for Applied Science and Technology (CAST) Network is a tax-exempt organization as described in Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service code. CAST Schools are partnership schools with a focus on STEM careers, project based learning and work-based learning. Key partners include public school districts, higher education institutions, and local employers from target industries.