Ready to join us?

By participating, you're not just sharing knowledge—you're shaping careers, igniting passions, and building a stronger community. Speed Mentor Match Day includes mentoring overview, up to six rapid-fire mentoring rotations, and an optional follow-up event to establish ongoing mentorships.
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Select the school(s) where you would like to mentor:
Mentors with a wide range of experiences and expertise.
Leadership, UX-Design, Entrepreneurship, Business Management, Customer Care, Customer College Relationship Management.
Mentors with a background in healthcare, biomedical sciences, and community engagement.
Mentors with experience and expertise in the fields of Engineering, Manufacturing, Logistics or Drones.
Mentors with experience and expertise in Teaching and Training as well as Public Speaking/Presentational Speaking.
Mentors with a background in IT/Cyber, Entrepreneurship, or User Experience We will also take others who can talk about career readiness in general.