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CAST Tech Seniors Showcase Legacy Projects


On Wednesday, CAST Tech Seniors had the opportunity to present their year-long legacy projects to their friends, classmates, and family. Students gathered in crowds to listen to how each group wanted to leave a legacy after graduating from CAST Tech. A few weeks ago, the seniors had a chance to reflect on their projects and how they have changed over the course of the school year. They opened up about their initial worries, doubts, and struggles, however the seniors were now more confident in their abilities than ever by the end of the school year. Even though some groups were made up of students who had not spoken before, this opportunity allowed them to create new friends as they worked together to define their legacy for their school.


As each group presented, it was evident that no two projects were alike. One group was aimed at improving industry opportunities for CAST Tech students with local tech companies. Another proposed social solutions to student isolation. Even award-winning CAST Ink, the school’s new newspaper organization, presented on their first year and content calendar long after the founding members have graduated. The groups each had unique ideas, pitches, and activities to keep their audience engaged.


Each group was proud of their idea, and they were eager to share more long after their time slot had run out. The seniors had every right to be proud, as at the end of each presentation, they were met with applause and praise from those they held closest.



Cast Tech is a special place. The opportunities available for students are unmatched, and this can be seen in these senior projects. Whether it involves improving social interactions, building bridges for future students, or even creating a newspaper that can be appreciated by everyone, CAST Tech’s 2024 seniors have proven their legacy and left their mark.


About CAST Tech High School

Located downtown in two freshly-renovated buildings on the former campus of Fox Tech High School, CAST Tech works hand-in-hand with industry partners to prepare students for careers in technology and business, fields where the demand is high for talented workers. Some features of the unique program include flexible schedules, hands-on projects and real-world problems to solve, as well as job shadowing, mentorships, internships, and job opportunities upon graduation.


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The Centers for Applied Science and Technology (CAST) Network is a tax-exempt organization as described in Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service code. CAST Schools are partnership schools with a focus on STEM careers, project based learning and work-based learning. Key partners include public school districts, higher education institutions, and local employers from target industries.