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CAST Student Spotlight: Jacob Nesbitt


Meet Jacob. A Canadian-American, Jacob was raised in the heart of Mexico for the first fourteen years of his life. I met Jacob during our CAST Senior Hiring Fair, and I had the pleasure of speaking with Jacob earlier this week. This is how CAST has impacted his life; this is Jacob’s Story:


“Growing up in Veracruz, Mexico was great. In Mexico I was just a regular local child running around in the street playing tag – I felt no different than those around me. I loved the friendships, and the people I called family who surrounded me throughout the journey. The reason I lived in Mexico was because my parents were missionaries. This meant that we were only in Veracruz Mexico temporarily.


We were in Mexico for 14 years, and just recently in 2020 we moved to San Antonio, Texas. Searching for an opportunity my mother came across CAST Med high school. CAST Med offered bilingual classes, dual credit opportunities, health care classes, internships, scholarships, and much more. It was a perfect fit, so that was where my parents decided to send me. I was motivated and grateful for the opportunities that were available to me, and I haven’t once regretted giving it my all. Faith also plays a huge part in my motivation as well, as there is great confidence in life when you know your purpose and have a reason to live. I believe God shapes us through good times, but also through tough times. In the end, however, it all works together for good.


So I was inspired, and in the end, the time I spent in Mexico shaped my life, so I wanted to give something in return to Mexico. I went on and started a clothing brand called Prints of Peace, which is designed to support families in need & missionaries like my parents in Mexico. The goal is to spread peace that God offers us through the sacrifice of His son. The sacrifice is to forgive sins, that which burdens people and leaves people with no peace in life. I want to do what I can to spread that message of peace, so I do a lot of work outside of school in order to develop the brand as much as I can with the knowledge I have.


There is so little peace in this world today. I believe that if people just caught a glimpse of the love that God has for them, it would change their life. In 5 years, I see myself using the skills I learned at CAST Med and the people I got to meet and learn from to scale Prints of Peace and impact lives around the world. CAST Med taught me much more than just health care information – it taught me how to succeed. That is why if anyone is unsure of joining CAST Med, I wonder why that might be. If you want to succeed, and you think you have the motivation in you to become successful, I suggest giving your all at CAST Med, because CAST Med makes it possible for anyone to make it far.”


Jacob’s brand, Prints of Peace, has consistently sold out its collections. As the brand grows, so too do Jacob’s aspirations. Jacob hopes to use this momentum to take Prints of Peace even further in reaching even more people. To learn more about Jacob and CAST Med, visit


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The Centers for Applied Science and Technology (CAST) Network is a tax-exempt organization as described in Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service code. CAST Schools are partnership schools with a focus on STEM careers, project based learning and work-based learning. Key partners include public school districts, higher education institutions, and local employers from target industries.