I have always been passionate about teaching and leading for children and the adults that are with them in schools and homes.”

Dr. Carol Harle

School Experience Director

Dr. Carol Harle is a longtime educator with a Ph.D. in curriculum studies from the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Harle has served as a top administrator including campus leadership in Harlandale ISD, Northside ISD, North East ISD and San Antonio ISD. Additionally, she was a school improvement consultant for schools throughout Texas. At CAST, she coordinates and coaches campus leadership, curriculum and instruction related initiatives such as: project-based learning, curriculum & instruction, campus leadership, and related initiatives promoting student agency.

Dr. Harle is a UTSA College of Education and UTeachSA professor, Northside ISD school board trustee, TASB Board of Directors director, Integrated School Supports (social emotional and mental health school initiatives) member and Communities in Schools volunteer.