At Advanced Learning Academy, PK-12 students lead a conference that includes their parents/family where they reflect on their learning, celebrate successes, identify areas for growth, and set goals. These opportunities  provide:

  • Student Ownership, Responsibility & Engagement: When students reflect on their experience in school, celebrate strengths, and identify areas for growth with adults who care about them, they take ownership of their learning. They are also more likely to stay on track and care about the quality of their work.
  • Family Engagement: SLCs help families understand what the school values and what learning at the school looks like for their student. Parents who might avoid attending parent-teacher conferences, assuming it will be all bad news, come to student-led conferences, leading to greater family involvement and school pride.
  • Equity: SLCs provide a window into each unique student’s experience. They are an opportunity for students to ask for the support they need, and for teachers and parents to ensure those needs are met.

Source: Share Your Learning SLC Toolkit. SYL is  a collaborative deeper learning project between Expeditionary Learning, Big Picture, New Tech, Stanford D-school, Internationals Network and HTH (along with other partners)

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